Boosting the B.E.S.T.

The new B.E.S.T Standards are on their way! This school year, I will be offering short videos to help you on the journey toward successfully implementing the new standards in your classroom. These videos will all be similar in structure and offer you the following:

  1. Clarification of the standard
  2. Relevant research and background information
  3. Application to classroom practice

These videos will be less than ten minutes long and come with a resource page with additional lesson ideas, resources, article links, and more!

Professional development should be linked to practice. Therefore, I would love your input and feedback. If you have a question, area you’d like to learn more about, or need additional resources, send me a message so I can tailor the content to meet your needs. I look forward to learning and growing with you this school year!

Comparing Fractions: Referencing Whole

Using common denominators can be a great strategy for comparing fractions, Using common denominators can be a great strategy for comparing fractions, except when it’s not. Help your students to understand how relating fractions to a whole can help them to compare with ease.except when it’s not. Help your students to understand how relating fractions to a whole can help them to compare with ease.

Basic Fact Strategies

The goal ultimately is for students to memorize basic multiplication facts. Timed tests are proved to add undue stress to students and rarely lead to memorization. Instead, teaching students strategies to get to products will lead to subconscious memorization.