IdeasOld School Versus New SchoolThere's a ton of time for mindlessly scrolling social media right now. This image of "old school" versus "new school" ways of teaching...Sarah PorcenalukApril 7, 2020
IdeasMaking Small Groups EquitableWalk into almost any elementary classroom and you will see evidence of small group work in the math block. A debate currently exists... Sarah PorcenalukApril 7, 2020
IdeasWait, Wait, Don’t Tell ThemMy first year teaching I remember being evaluated on whether I "provided adequate wait time to all students" During observations...Sarah PorcenalukApril 6, 2020
IdeasChange Can Be HardWhat is 2/3 divided by 1/2? Easy: keep, change, flip. 2/3 x 2 equals 4/3. I did this in my head in about three seconds. I sat in Dr... Sarah PorcenalukApril 6, 2020
IdeasWe’re Still Learning!…Or Are We?…Or Should We Be?A month ago I was discussing potential vacation spots with my husband for June. Should it be the beach? Europe? Today, for the first time...Sarah PorcenalukApril 3, 2020
IdeasNCTM: Get All The (Free) Things!March 23, 2020 was the day Orange County Public Schools were to resume after Spring Break. However, unless you've been living under a rock... Sarah PorcenalukMarch 24, 2020